Super Pants

Soooo, I had two classes with Holly since being here in L.A.

The first was a master class that I joined in on. The level of the class was mixed, so I felt comfortable—no biggie and a slight confidence booster. However, the second class was at LMU (Holly’s alma mater). This wouldn’t usually be a problem for me, but I was super sore from the first class two days before—proving I’m out of shape!

Also, I remembered that college students, three months into their fall classes, usually have a pretty solid retention of movement. I only hoped I could keep up.

As I pondered my fate hours before my trek across town to LMU, I realized that my worries had been in vain. I was in possession of something that all dancers know can make or break a class—regardless of technique. Attire!

If you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing in class, you can achieve performance quality in even the simplest of movements.

In my wardrobe, I had a pair of pants whose origin was rooted in many years of learning and understanding movement. They had been handmade by a dancer for a dancer. They were super pants, and I owned two such jewels.

Once I donned the newly made pair (the others were dirty), all my fears melted away.

I know it sounds mythical or even like a fairy tale, but I promise, as true as I am writing this, those pants gave me confidence in my look, which in turn transferred to my confidence in movement.

So, is it silly that a simple pair of pants can exude confidence? I think not!



Thanks, E!






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